A recent survey of 221 C-level executives and 984 IT managers has cast a spotlight on the debate of who should be held accountable for data breaches and other IT disasters. What we’ve uncovered is that even the most hands-on CEO might be unaware of the impact technology can have on their business as a whole.
According to a survey conducted last fall by analyst firm Opinium, C-level executives are underestimating the financial cost of a cyber-attack. At least compared to the numbers IT professionals are coming up with for the same scenarios. It boils down to a failure to see eye-to-eye on things like:
- Threat level
- Financial impact
- Operational impact
- Security requirements
Communication between executives and their staff is the key to correcting these discrepancies. Executives should be better informed about cyber threats and other significant technology concerns. By working closely with their IT staff, each employee with decision-making power can stay on the same page.
Avoiding the consequences of a cyber attack requires a proactive approach. Educating yourself on the types of threats out there and the potential for disruption to your operations is just the start. It’s important to understand why your business might be vulnerable, and what changes can be made to minimize risks.
As with any other aspect of your operations, there should be a focus on collaboration. Try these simple tips to work more effectively with your staff or outsourced IT provider:
- Improve the way you communicate with employees by making sure they know you are readily available to them, and interested in what they have to say
- Read up on the latest threats and trends by following industry blog posts from trusted sources like eSOZO at esozo.com/blog, and NJ Cybersecurity at www.cyber.nj.gov
- Ask for monthly security summaries from your IT staff, and regular updates on breaches or other incidents
Collaboration is a two-way street. It’s just as important for your IT staff – internal or outsourced – to put forth a little extra effort as well. For their part, they should give these tips a try:
- Keep executives informed by arranging meetings, and providing detailed security reports
- Bring important technology news to the attention of executives and staff by sharing relevant articles, blog posts, and emails
- Don’t hesitate to bring concerns to the attention of executives
Creating a culture of awareness and accountability starts from the very top of the organization. Your business’ technology is used and relied on by your entire team. Taking steps to make sure everyone involved understands how those technology works are critical.
Want to learn more about the steps you can take to help create a more tech-savvy team from the ground up? Contact eSOZO right away at info@esozo.com or (888) 376-9648. We’re the IT professionals businesses in New Jersey trust.
Author: Aaron White, Date: 23rd March 2017
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